Three years to the day in which Mauricio Macri’s Pro-Party Administration has been in office one can list the following achievements.
The 81 ways in which “the government has improved the lives of the Argentines”.
The text, disseminated through different press channels, begins by reflecting that “we all know that the economic situation is difficult, but do not forget all that was done in these three years to get closer to Argentina that we always wanted. “
The president invites you to read some of them here.
1. The energy situation was turned around, which was in a catastrophic state.
2. Frontal combat against drug trafficking, with records number of seizures and arrests.
3. In three years more highways were built than in the previous 65 yrs.
4. Hundreds of new water connections and new sewers throughout the country.
5. Airline Revolution: 40% more domestic passengers from 2015 along with cheaper low-cost flights.
6. The number of murders decreased by 23% since 2015.
7. Improving of State accounts: in 2019 there will be no deficit.
8. Red Sube: 70% of the trips on public transport have discounted prices.
9. AUH for children of small taxpayers and temporary workers.
10. Cell phone coverage throughout the country with high-speed data and free park Wifi.
11. Public works without monopolies or corruption: prices 40% lower.
12. A dramatic decrease in the number of power cuts. (new infrastructure)
13. Full respect for the independence of the judiciary, without interference and corruption.
14. Record crops of wheat and maize due to improved access to fertiliser and better drainage.
15. We moved from international isolation to the support of the world’s major economies.
16. Re-founding of Mortgage Credit (165,000) for housing.
17. The basis for a sound economy based on investment and export was laid.
18. Total freedom of expression and opinion, without pressure or threat.
19. More than doubled meat exports.
20. We have a government that listens to society and recognizes mistakes.
21. The INDEC, which was lying and manipulating previously, is now again professional and credible.
22. Thousands of absurd procedures and laws eliminated or simplified.
23. Plural public media, which do not lie or pursue opponents.
24. Congress again discusses the main issues of the country instead of monologues speeches of nothing.
25. Six new national parks and protected areas created, a record from the 1930s.
26. More than 60 detainees for corruption due to new laws against corruption.
27. The production of renewable energies is quintupled and in 2019 it will grow even more.
28. The number of kidnappings decreased by 69%.
29. In 2019 all trains will have automatic brakes.
30. Creation of scholarships to progress, with more money available for those who study.
31. Federalism: The submission of the provinces by the Casa Rosada was completed.
32. Elimination of the previous default and outstanding legal cases against Argentina.
33. The public loans to SMEs were multiplied by five hundred percent.
34. 4g cel phone: It went from covering 10% of the population to 58%. In 2019 it will be 93%.
35. Record numbers of foreign tourists and new investments in tourism.
36. For the first time the victims of crime are considered in court cases.
37. More than 8,600 kilometers of new completed highways.
38. Historical compensation for more than 1 million retirees previously underpaid.
39. PAMI: Savings of 80% in the purchase of medicines by removing corruption.
40. Electronic records (no more paper) throughout the nation’s administration.
41. A company can be created in a day (before it took months and cost 1,000’s of pesos).
42. 4000 new security cameras in buses and 2000 more in train stations.
43. Export Simple, a new straightforward system that already exported to 87 new countries.
44. Successful transfer of Federal police to the city.
45. The first national government that dealt with integrating slums into urban areas.
46. 15 new sewage treatment plants benefiting 3 million people.
47. More than 1,200 Internet procedures that used to be paper systems. ( read long lines ).
48. 211 new judges and prosecutors were appointed, triple that of 2011-2015.
49. 60% less official advertising and stopping the use of propaganda.
50. Successful presidency of the G-20, with important agreements for the world and the country.
51. Speed cameras and better border control measures.
52. The Central bank is independent and has stopped funding the government.
53. Paved 5000 blocks in the suburbs that were previously dirt.
54. Began DevelopingVaca Muerta oil fields in Patagonia. (one of the largest fields in the world).
55. More integrity and transparency in the control of public officials. (in tenders).
56. The largest renovation of freight trains in 40 years. (Belgrano Plan).
57. Fewer wage discounts thanks to the Labour Risks Act.
58. Export growth of INVAP.
59. A record number of presidential press conferences since 1983.
60. Airlines: More passengers (25%), more airplanes, more self-sustaining transport systems.
61. Social programs without intermediaries, direct from Anses to the people involved.
62. 6 million Anses credits to retirees and vulnerable families.
63. For the first time, all schools in the country are assessed and graded.
64. The amount of car theft dropped by 13%.
65. More than 150 new markets for export: meat to China, lemons to USA.
66. The most important work in the Riachuelo river began since 1944 (badly polluted).
67. Open government: More public data and access to information. More use of apps.
68. Argentina returned to export gas after 11 years of importation.
69. Itá Ibaté, in Corrientes, is the first new river port built in 21 years.
70. One in three households has a Social rate.
71.13 Metrobuses for the 2.3 million passengers who travel daily.
72. Competitive tendering introduced for government services.
73. The Competition Defence Commission, which was not working is again functioning.
74. Beef production is the best since 2009.
75. The successful launch of the Saocom 1 satellite for agriculture.
76. 19 airports were modernized (will be 30 in 2019)
77. The local council in your neighborhood processed more than 4.5 million of neighbors consultations using apps.
78. The management of more than 1,000 municipalities was modernized and transparent.
79. Presentism and biometric controls for public employees now prevent unrecorded absenteeism.
80. Thanks to government measures computers and similar equipment are 30% cheaper.
81. No longer is their presidential TV monologues that went on for hours without saying anything.
Email: caseyteresita1@gmail.com
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